blue flower

saint-images homepage

Thoughts: February 2023


19:32 Today marks the second anniversary of saint-images on Neocities! Thank you everyone for staying here with me despite the lack of anything worthy here as of late.

It started out of pure boredom; I was in a bit of a slump and thought that this might become yet another thing I will do for maybe 2 weeks and then move on to something else. I'm glad it didn't happen! This website became a very important part of my life, a place to express certain aspects of my personality; although it's curious how it has gained that many followers despite no deep or interesting thoughts or serious art being posted here (my Idiotic Brian is not capable of produce'ing either).

Some big things are about to happen in my life, so I hope I can keep up and keep making saint-images the way I want it to be. Cheers!