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Thoughts: March 2024


The cherry tree blossomed at exactly the same time the sample tree in Tokyo's Yasukuni shrine did, marking the official ascension of Kaliningrad as Japan's 48th prefecture. In Tokyo it happened 5 days later than average, while here it's around a week earlier than usual. This scene signifying the birth of a new life and the fleeting beauty of this life never fails to inspire deep contemplation. Years might pass, but the bench under the tree is always as welcoming as ever; the process of taking the same yearly photos is as satisfying as ever; the fleeting part of hanami's message grows more and more relevant as the aforementioned years pass, but as long as the tree is here, life goes on for the both of us no matter the season. what

Finished watching Zankyou no Terror the other day (Spoiler's Warning). Came for the blue atmosphere, stayed for an ideal thriller... The suspense got me hooked, the pacing was OK and the plot is the ideal material for a Wiki Article I Would Thoroughly Read At 2 A.M.
Of course I would've loved some more explanation of the world's lore and daily life demonstration, I love it when some backstory is shown, but I guess it's hard to fit into an 11 episodes schedule. But in case of Zankyou no Terror, such incompleteness feels like a deliberate choice at times, especially in regard to the characters' personalities and motives. For example, it's like they're deliberately only giving us schort archive footage of the orphanage; no proper footage of the escape scene either - what happened to Five there? Did she explode on a landmine? Was it all a dream and she just dematerialized?.. This opens a lot of options to interpret her motives (although Five is Top 3 Sanity, so it's understandable). Is it revenge? Is it jealousy towards Nine's abilities?
I was worrying about Lisa... She was perhaps purposefully made easy to emphatize with, but I just wanted things to turn out well for her in the end.
The ending was unexpected, not just the final scene, but the entire content of the last two episodes... They don't exactly fall in line with the other episodes, but still, overall the series is almost as thrilling as Steins;Gate or the best cases in Ace Attorney, while being easier to follow. The visuals and music are top notch.

Went to Shigeru Yoshida's exhibition today. It's dedicated to the consequences of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and the consequent Fukushima disaster. I can talk a lot about it, but it's better if you watch it yourself. I recommend looking at them in the order they were presented at the exhibition, One minutes - Border for a Prayer (2012∼2022) → The Sea Wall - hope or despair - (2019∼ ) → Message from Fukushima — Finding hope and courages — (2019- )

Received my foreign passport (known in other countries as simply "Passport") earlier this week. I shouldn't have hesitated that much and waited for when a certain issue is resolved, it was simple, smooth and took less than a month in total. I don't have enough money to go abroad this year, gotta rack up some savings first, but maybe next year... I hope the world is ready for me...


The ski jumping season ended today with a traditional competition in Planica. For me, the beginning and the end of the winter sports season are yet another annual events marking the everfast flow of time, but the end specifically marks the beginning of "core" Spring, the best time of the year for me. "The" cherry blossom tree already looks red and had buds, soon it will bloom like it always does, and it will start a two week period of people caring about it, like it always does.

-> Duck's


Yesterday was a really good day, as reflected on the photos page. It was a perfect early Spring day in terms of weather. I had a little lunch at a new joint that's trying too hard to be Japanese, chilled around the stadum that gave me so many good memories in 2018, and then I took mom to the coast for a wonderful tenor's concert as an early 8th of March gift. It was truly an amazing experience, the voice is an instrument on it's own and the program was packed with with masterpieces to showcase it.

My best friend is sailing the seas again, but this time it's a proper general cargo ship and not some Shady Underpaying Semi-Military Gig In Syria (Safe Country 2022). The guy knows a net total of 0 (нисколько, none, niets, nichts, nada, 何も) English (I'd personally evaluate my own net total at around 0.6 English) and yet he's already had a voyage from THE BASQUE COUNTRY flag of the Basque Country straight to QUEBEC flag of Quebec. No I'm not jealous in the slightest!!! Well actually I'm really glad for him for finding a proper ship to work on and that he's gonna see the world, he totally deserves it.

I don't know why, but for the past few days I've been overrun by the feeling that I'm sort in a limbo, yet I genuinely have no idea why. It's like I'm hanging on a tree branch and it will likely hurt a bit if I fall but nothing too serious. Maybe I'm doing something wrong in life without ever realising it, or maybe there's something that's holding me back. I want this Feeling to cease existing effective immediately!

Noriaki Kasai (51歳) scored points in TWO World Cup events this season already and has rightfully deserved a spot in the World Cup team and I couldn't be happier about it!!! A true legend and someone to look up to.