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I don't like rap

It Was A Good Day. I visited a track cycling competetion, ate a really damn fine Czech hot dog and had a nice walk.
Taking pics of track cycling wasn't really easy. The light on the arena was ok for watching but too dim for my 14-42mm lens to shoot anything at a reasonable shutter speed; I resorted to my Jupiter-8 lens, but it's manual focus, which made shooting a challenge. These Photos Will Get Me Banned From All The Sports Photo Agencies In The World, but I kinda like them anyway.
Also, the Soviet pin I bought back in November (scroll to the bottom) says "Track Cycling Tula", and Tula had one of the biggest teams of the tournament, so I guess they've still got it going.

Sport's Pic's

More photos on the everyday photo page; if you're reading it in 2024 and beyond then they are probably on one of the archived pages.

I love Chinese indie rock for sounding disctinctively Chinese. It's still indie rock but you can definitely hear some traditional music influence there. Here are a few examples of what I'm talking about.

Mainland China

Mainland China


There is another song that's been stuck in my head for maybe a week now; I remember a guitar solo and the chorus lyrics which goes kinda like " you got me searching for answers, ..." and it sounds kinda similar to the songs above, so I think it must be from a Chinese band, bu I can't seem to find the song... I'm sure I have it somewhere in my playlists, but I've had no luck digging it out so far.


21:57 Had my parents as guests in my home for the first time. A very interesting feeling, but we had a great time together.

Apart from this, nothing major's really happening, but I feel like right now I am somewhere I should be... We call this "feeling like I'm not on my plate" here.